A Letter to Their Teacher.

I wrestled on whether or not to write a letter to my children’s teacher. I want to explain the background of my children as that is important. I must always decide what to share, how much to share, and how to share it. We are all quick to judge. I’m guilty of it. You see or hear something you think is offensive or off in some way and you decide you would do it a different way. It’s been the best year of my life. It’s also been hard. I hope my life is full of hard. I like the hard things, but trudging through them can be numbing and isolating. I don’t share a lot of that even with my closest friends.

So I shared a couple of things I felt were important with the teacher. Someone forwarded me a blog which is downright awesome. This post was super powerful for me. The adoptive mother is super (I like the word super, hints why I’m not articulate) articulate and pretty much said everything I felt. I remember tears in my eyes thinking, “You mean I’m not alone!” “Of course not,” God whispered.

I have high expectations. I’ve been told that many times. And I know that about myself. So I’m not quite sure what I wanted back as well as words. But what the teacher did say wasn’t that helpful. I thought, here we go again, Amanda, why did you even share that? She doesn’t understand, and won’t because she can’t. These are the moments you knew would come up. If you haven’t adopted, you don’t get it. I can’t explain it any other way. It’s just the case here. But I’m hopeful. I think all 3 of my boys will have a wonderful year. It’s a new season in our lives, and I’m excited to share them with other people. I’m most excited for them to learn more about Jesus and how to show Him to others. Three cheers to preschool.

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