Teach Your Children to Share; It’s Biblical.

I think it was last year. Someone posted an article about why teaching toddlers to share wasn’t beneficial, or another one where a mom said she wasn’t going to teach her children to share. “It’s not natural,” she said.  As I was reading it, my jar was on.the.floor. but I couldn’t exactly put into words why.  Remember my problem with articulation? Basically, toddlers don’t understand the reasoning behind sharing. I could list about 50 things toddlers don’t understand the meaning behind, but I am positive at least 5 just popped into your head. Number one, being why we don’t poop our pants. The article went on saying when adulthood comes, we are not made to share. If a kid wants to play with the wagon during play group and another child comes up and wants to play with it too, you shouldn’t make your child take turns. After all, as adults you can’t tell your friend you want to drive her car and it’s your turn, right? Baloney, is about the sweetest word I can find to use here. Adults should be sharing. I share all the time. And if we shared more, we would benefit lots of people around us.

I love reading my kids Bible stories. I think they are the best thing I can give them. Relatable stories where God prevails, but not how you would expect. One of my favorites is this one;

There was a little boy who wanted to hear Jesus speak. Every time I picture him, I see my Dominic. He loves to see people happy. He’ll share anything if it brings a smile to someone. So this little boy wanted to hear Jesus. Not quite sure where his mother was during this time, but I’d imagine she was working her tail off for the family (insert feminist woman face here). This little boy packed a small lunch and set off to find Jesus. Once he got there, I am sure he was ravished. Again, I think of D hungry. Look out, cause things can get pretty ugly when D is hungry. He starts to open his basket of food when one of Jesus’ disciples taps him on the shoulder. “Hey, I see you have 2 fish and 5 pieces of bread. Would you mind if I took your food and shared it with all these people that you don’t know?” Imagine the boy’s first thought (or mine, either way). “Are you real life? I only have enough for me.” But instead this boy looks up and says,”Sure, I’ll share.” Then the rest is history, friends. 5,000 people ate fish and bread that day. God blessed the food, Jesus, the boy, and all the people with which the little boy wanted to share. Sharing can change lives.

So there it is. That’s why my jaw was dropped and I couldn’t articulate what was wrong. There is no blessing in a world without sharing. And you’re right, it is hard to understand and even harder to act upon. Imagine a world if we shared our homes with other families or children who needed it. Imagine if we shared our groceries with a family you know would benefit that month. I’ve got lots of work to do in this area, so there are no stones being thrown over here. I should be sharing a.lot.more.

I’ll leave you now and share some yummy pictures. IMG_5932 IMG_6215 IMG_4057 IMG_6267

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