We have the Choice.

The pastor at our church, (Itown Church) said something the other day that knocked me off my feet, and I’ve been wanting to share it with you. Now don’t go quoting me, because I can’t remember the exact phrase but it was awesome. “You choose Heaven or Hell. Hell is not a place where God sends you. Hell is somewhere you go when you choose to pay for your own sin.”  Sweep you off your feet, powerful. We have the choice. God is love and wants you to choose Him. Let Jesus pay for your sin. Would you drive away without your food at a drive thru because the peach in front of you paid for your meal? “No, sorry, I wanted to pay for it and now I don’t want it.” Nope. You’d grab that delicious caramel macchiato and throw that sweetie who paid an air five.

Jesus lives.

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