My English Language Learners.


I really didn’t know where to start when our twins came home. They were three-years-old and knew no English. Not a single word. I was must worried for our daughter who would be coming home soon after. She was seven and I knew it would be extremely hard to communicate with her. Because of my awesome Type B personality, I didn’t even think about it until they came home. My girlfriend brought me Picture Words, by Trend. They were awesome! We visited the doctor’s office quite often in the beginning so I had plenty of time to work with our boys. Not only did I work with our twins, but Sebastian was almost three as well and needed some help in the “naming things” department.

I read and continue to read a lot of books. We get 20-30 children’s books from the library every 2-3 weeks. We read them several times. Because I was a teacher before a stay-at-home motha, I have close to 100 children’s books that we own. We read the Bible everyday. I would never use the words they are learning in my everyday speech. It is important to read, read, read. Our boys favorite series right now is Henry and Mudge. Now they want a big dog named Mudge to adventure with. “That’s what your imagination is for my loves.” Cealy and Rosalie are obsessed with their children’s Bible right now. As soon as we finish a chapter, they can watch a movie that goes along with it.

Anyone ridden in my car lately? If you have I bet the first words out of your mouth when you exited were, “That was the most obnoxious car ride of my life.” And not because I have 5 kittens in my car singing loudly, but because of the songs they are singing. We listen to nursery rhymes. Yep, I was that annoying mom who listened to nursery rhymes in the car when my babies were born, so when my babies came home, it was only natural. You don’t hear many seven-year-olds singing “Itsy, Bitsy, Spider” with confidence in public, but my daughter will own that song. Now Malachi can own, “All about that bass,” as well, but you better believe he knows his nursery rhymes.  We also listen to gospel music and Chris Tomlin most everyday.

They are learning. Currently, they knock my socks off with how well they speak. We laugh a lot, because of miscommunication, like the time Rosalie told me there was a big mouse in the basement and I lost my mind, only to find a big mess, not mouse.

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